It is...

When I fall down in front of me
I pick myself up
When I stand on my own feet
I kick myself down

I stop my mind from thinking
My mind stops me from stopping
I try to focus my mind on something
My mind tries to focus me on other thing

I write down about how I feel
What I write down is no longer how I feel
I delete what I no longer feel
I feel what I just delete

When I read what I read
I think it is not what I think
When it is not what I think
I think about what I didn't think

I answer a question
Then the question is no more a question
When it is no more a question
It doesn't need my answer

Now I see I get stuck
At a place I know so well
It is clearly to me that
I don't know my own next step...

a poem by VBN from NAME | Art Space